Krzysztof Zanussi, internationally-acclaimed Polish film director, scriptwriter and producer is a recipient of a prestigious 2016 WINGS AWARD from the Polish Film Festival in America given for his achievements in the art of film beyond Poland.


An artist does not belong to anybody, his art must be owned by all.

You are only an artist when you know how to do something well in five different ways, and can choose the one that is best.

Krzysztof Zanussi

Born in 1939 in Warsaw. Film, theatre and opera director, screenwriter, producer and author. Recognized as a creator of intellectual and philosophical films. He studied philosophy at Jagiellonian University in Cracow and physics at Warsaw University, before graduating from the National Film School in Łódź in 1966.  Recipient of many awards, including the David di Donatello Prizeof the Accademia del Cinema Italiano, the Cavalier’s Cross of the Polonia Restituta Order, and the Cavalier de L’Ordre des Sciences et Lettres. Member of the Papal Academy of Fine Arts and Literature. He is a professor of European film at the European Graduate School in Saas-Fee, Switzerland, also a professor at the Silesian University in Katowice.  President of TOR Film Studio. Member of the European Film Academy, from 2011 (member of the board).

Mr. Zanussi resides with his wife Elzbieta in Piaski near Warsaw.

FILMOGRAPHY (selected)

2014       Foreign Body (Obce ciało)

2009       Revisited(Rewizyta)

2008       And a Warm Heart(Serce na dłoni)

2007       Black Sun (Czarne słońce)

2005       Persona Non Grata

2001       Supplement (Suplement)

2000       Life as a Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease (Życie jako śmiertelna choroba przenoszona drogą płciową) – PFFA Golden Teeth Award

1999       Blackbird (Skowronek)

1997       Weekend Stories [Heart Is Singing] (Opowieści weekendowe) [ Dusza śpiewa]- TV

Weekend Stories [The Last Circle] (Opowieści weekendowe) [Ostatni krąg]- TV

Weekend Stories [Delay line] (Opowieści weekendowe) [ Linia opóźniająca] – TV

Our God’s Brother (Brat naszego Boga)

1996       Weekend Stories [Lady’s Bussiness ] (Opowieści weekendowe) [ Damski interes] – TV

Weekend Stories [Little Faith] (Opowieści weekendowe) [Słaba wiara] – TV

Weekend Stories [Deceptive Charm] (Opowieści weekendowe) [Urok wszeteczny] – TV

Weekend Stories [Unwritten Law] (Opowieści weekendowe) [Niepisane prawa] – TV

1995       In Full Gallop (Cwał)

1992       The Silent Touch (Dotknięcie ręki)

1990       Long Conversation with a Bird (Długa rozmowa z ptakiem) – TV

Life for a Life. Maksymilian Kolbe(Życie za życie. Maksymilian Kolbe)

1989       Inventory (Stan posiadania)

1988       Wherever You Are (Gdzieśkowiek jest, jeśliś jest)

1985       Paradigma (Paradygmat, czyli potęga zła)

1984       The Bluebearded (Sinobrody)

1984       A Year of the Quiet Sun(Rok spokojnego słońca)

1982       Imperative(Imperatyw)

The Unapproachable (Niedostępna)

1981       The Temptation (Pokuszenie) – TV

From a Far Country: Pope John Paul II (Z dalekiego kraju: Jan Paweł II)

1980       The Constant Factor (Constant)

The Contract (Kontrakt)

1979       Ways in the Night (Droga nocą)

1978       Spiral (Spirala)

1977       Anatomy Lesson (Lekcja anatomii) – TV

1976       Camouflage (Barwy ochronne)

1975       A Woman’s Decision (Decyzja kobiety)

1974       Quarterly Balance (Bilans kwartalny)

1972       Hypothesis (Hipoteza)

The Illumination (Iluminacja)

1971       The Role (Rola)

Behind the Wall (Za ścianą)

1970       Family Life (Życie rodzinne)

Mountains at Dusk (Góry o zmierzchu) – TV

1969       The Structure of Crystals (Struktura kryształu)

1968       The Passing Mark (Zaliczenie)

1967       Face to Face (Twarza w twarz)

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